It's about that time

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The snow has officially fallen, we've dragged out all the winter wear, and the first gifts have been bought. Christmas will be here before we know it. I always look forward to shopping with the crowds amidst the holiday madness. However, last year's trip to the mall two Saturdays before the big day was a disaster. I had three children in tow, and forgot the stroller at home:( So I paid to rent a two seater at the mall, it was equipped with an attached tall yellow flag. And it was like, "Thank you. Now no one will miss us." So, as I physically guided the massive stroller, with its tendency to veer to the left, and kept an eye on the third child who cannot, for the life of him, walk in a straight line, we ventured through the chaos. We battled the Target crowds for a good 40 minutes before I looked down and noticed that all we had in the basket was wrapping paper and scotch tape. I gave up.
 Then while in the long check out line, the 4 yr old "has to pee." Of course.
Me: "Can you just wait until we check out? Only a few more minutes."
Her: "No, it's a 'mergency. I gotta go now."

So, I stuffed the goods in a nearby rack and we made a mad dash for the facilities. I mumbled something about wishing she still wore a diaper and she couldn't understand why I would want her to resemble her little sister. You know, the one happily sitting in her soggy diaper, until there came a convenient time for me to change her.
As I helped the 4 yr old do her thing without touching and catching every germ within her short reach, I quickly turned around to catch the stall door that was being pushed open, when my cell phone flew out of my coat pocket...RIGHT into the toilet! Yup, perfect aim, Karlee. Even after drying out the water logged phone, I still had to buy a new one.
I really hope this year's shopping extravaganza is a lot more fun, and a lot less stressful. It's sure to be because I will be accompanied by my mom and some small children are allowed:)
So, with all that being said, please do not take your children to the mall shopping with you this month. Save yourself the stress.
And let us remember the real reason for the season:)

1 comment:

Lauren {whimsy lane} said...

Beautiful photos! Makes me want to run out the door with my Canon right now and find inspiration!


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