Moving Again

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It is the story of my life. We are moving again. New town, new house, new job, oh--and a new car. It is another year of change for us. (Read about other moving adventures HERE and HERE.)

I had to say goodbye to my little monsters, which was heartbreaking. There were a lot of tears...that day, the next day, and a few days later...

But change is inevitable, and here we are- faced with it again. It's scary, a little sad, and a little exciting at the same time. Jake keeps reminding me to make the best of it, even if we're not living in our ideal town. Considering our history, every location is fairly short-lived. (fingers crossed.)

We packed it up, Beverly Hillbilly style.

That's what Layla did while moved heavy boxes and furniture in the 90 degree heat:)


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