melt-downs, mcdonalds, and a million questions

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Was how I spent the first half of my weekend. Consider it another chapter in my "Nanny Diaries." Here are some of the highlights:

*Paige's (age 2) emotional breakdown in the middle of the mall
*Picking out Finn's (age 8) stellar new soccer cleats with interchangeable nike swoosh colors. I was the hero for about 5 minutes.
*Paige's 2nd emotional breakdown in Dunham's Sports.

*While going thru the McDonald's drive-through Molly (age 5) tells me she wants apple slices. To which I reply, "There are apples at the house." And she says, "But McDonald's makes the best apples in all the world!"
*Watching about twenty 8 year olds trip over one another during Finn's soccer game Saturday morning. I guess coordination comes later in life?

*Molly asking me one million questions such as "What happens if you don't have Jesus in your heart?" I stumbled my way through it touching on Heaven, and telling her she has nothing to worry about because she loves Jesus. But then she started asking about everyone else. So, on my Before I Have Children To Do List: Learn how to discuss Hell without totally scaring small children.

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