Playing catch up

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Our sweet Cash is 8 weeks old today and we are finally getting our bearings. He had a really fussy couple of weeks and has turned the corner! Yay! He is a sweet boy. Here are some stats:

Stats: Cash is in the 90th percentile at 13 lbs, 3 oz and 23.5 inches long. He's a big boy and LOVES his milk.

What's new: He smiles and laughs quite often, especially at his daddy. Maybe he thinks he's funny looking:) He also has an actual bedtime now--9-9:30. He is becoming predictable and we cannot get enough of him or enough pictures of him!


There's just a few photos of that beautiful face. Whoever thought I would have a blue eyed child? I hope they stick. Off to kiss him now...

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