Haiti Part IV

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our last full day in Haiti was a beach day. Now, when I heard this I pictured water, a little sand, and probably a little garbage scattered about. Boy, was I wrong! We spent the day at the Wahoo Bay Beach Resort. It was gorgeous. A little slice of heaven for sure.

Ann I were so excited to finally be at the beach!

I honestly thought we had stepped out of Haiti and into the Dominican Republic or something. Our view went from dust and rubble, to the clear blue Caribbean at the foot of smokey gray mountains. Paradise.

That thing was alive and kickin'!

We had such a great time swimming in the ocean, playing in the pool, and eating a fabulous native lunch. I wore sunscreen all week and totally guarded myself from the sun, and much to my dismay, didn't even look sunkissed. So, on our beach day, the day before we left, I decided not to wear sunscreen. After lunch I laid down on a lawn chair to read a little bit and fell fast asleep...right in the sun. Yup, you guessed it. I got burned. A week later, my shoulders are still peeling:(

Where my sunburn was born
Swimming with Ann and Lee

Jordan and I waiting for lunch

Bye, Haiti. I will miss you. Until we meet again....

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