How I lived in Haiti

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ann was my awesome bunkmate

That was my bed for the week. The top bunk. Yeah, that paper thin mattress, that was mine. And I loved it. It felt so great to lie my head on that pillow after a long, sun-scorched day. I lovingly referred to it as "my cage" because the mosquito nets never came up and that's what it felt like.
One night there was an out of this world wind storm and that window next to my bed was not sealed. It contained slants, blowing and whipping sand through my mosquito net, all over my bed. With one hand shielding my eyes I tried to turn my towel into a curtain, taping it over the window with some pitiful duct tape. Which the next big gust blew right off. We all laughed as I sat slumped over in my sand covered bunk. It was a long (sandy) night.

Just to keep it real this is what it's like sharing a room with 11 other girls...8 of which are teenagers.


And don't even get me started on the bathroom.

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