So, ever wonder what a nanny does all day?? (I mean, other than change diapers, play dolls, dole out time-outs, and drive around town in an SUV.) Blog. (During naps, of course.) This afternoon, while four year old Molly creates a crayon masterpiece next to me, I am shopping at Z Gallerie. If you are fortunate enough to live close to a Z Gallerie, hopefully you're taking advantage of the sale items. There are so many cute accessories right now.
Owl candlesticks for $19.95
Elk bar utensil set for $ it
Antler salad server spoons! $9.89
Doggie pencil sharpener! haha. My love for dogs really shows huh? I would most likely spray paint these black to go in my "office." (updated pics coming soon.) $9.95
How cute are these vases? Only $3.99 a piece! A collection of these would be so adorable.
That's it for the sale items. Other things I'm admiring:
I love this print. It should be framed. $34.99
I want one of these for my bed! But at $49.95, it'll have to wait till it goes on sale!
My 2nd favorite pillow for $49.95. This is the exact punch of color my black and white themed livingroom needs!

Love, love this artwork. But $429.95, really?
So, this is definitely not the white horse head I was drooling over at Homegoods (and I didn't even get a pic!), but this little guy would go nicely on top of the mantle. $79
I want this little boxer in the worst way:( $120. Not gonna happen!
I've loved this piece as long as I can remember. I used to go in and look at it in Z Gallerie when I lived in Nashville 4 years ago! I'm not sure why I like it so much. Maybe because I have a piece similar, but she's a black girl, singing her heart out into a microphone with a big slit up the side of her glam dress. I think she needs a musician boyfriend. Well for $549, she can dream on:)
Isn't being a nanny fun? I'm not going to tell which items I may be purchasing, for fear that my husband will read this......
Kidding. I'm kidding, people.
On a funnier note, E channel's Fashion Police is on, little Molly just saw a picture of Mariah Carey at the SAG awards, and asked, "Is that guy wearing a purse?"
Sorry, Mariah, but you may need to rethink your look.
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