"make yourself happy"?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Phil 4:6-7

A couple of nights ago, I had a conversation with one of my dearest friends that inspired a few thoughts. We discussed whether or not his restlessness for a new start and a new city was warranted. Moving from city to city, and state to state in search of a great job opportunity and lasting relationships isn't ideal, however, I found myself telling him, "Make yourself happy." Now, don't be alarmed, my advice didn't end there.

I am certainly not one of those people who believe you should make yourself happy no matter what. Example, a married woman with 3 children comes to me and says she's unhappy in her marriage. My advice would never be to just do what she has to do to "make herself happy." That, my friends, is called being selfish.

But in this particular friend's case, I don't think there is anything wrong with leaving another job, another, city, and another state for a place that truly lets you enjoy the small things. There's no wife or child to think about..take this time and make yourself happy. If that means living somewhere else, where you're financially secure to do the things you enjoy, and visit the people you love...then do it. If you're not hurting anyone, and honoring God in the process, then just do it.

Don't worry friend, I truly believe you're too responsible to end up a gypsy:)

So, his predicament got me I able to enjoy the small things where I'm at? I often feel anxious for no apparent reason (Beth Moore says that's a sign of insecurity...but I never thought I was insecure?? And you're thinking 'you're a woman...Duh, you're insecure.') But God says, be anxious for nothing. And I believe He's also saying to me, "enjoy the small things I've given you, and the big things will come." Big things like job promotions, moving south, and children.

So, what are the small things that I genuinely enjoy? I'll list a few:

Warm, sunny days
Rainy Sundays, cuddled up with Jake on the couch
The way Layla shakes her butt at me when she's excited
A really great conversation
A newborn baby
A warm, comfortable bed
An ocean view
The feeling after a good run
A brand new puppy
A hot shower
Wearing heels
A homecooked meal
Getting the family all together
A great new song
Driving with the windows down
Singing in front of the mirror (don't judge.)

I'm sure I could go on and on with this list. Those are just some simple things I enjoy. Most of them on a daily basis. What do I have to be anxious about? I'm luckier than most. Let me encourage anyone reading this, to enjoy the simple things, and wait patiently for the big, lifechanging blessings bound to come your way.


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